
The Family Law Navigator supports individuals with children at any stage of separation or divorce. The program is free.

First, the Navigator meets with individuals one-on-one to gather information about their needs. The one-on-one meeting may take place in person, on the phone, or by video call. 

Next, the Navigator connects the individual with resources they need, depending on their situation.

The Navigator is neutral, meaning that they do not take sides. They may support both sides in a family law issue. 

As a family’s situation and needs change, the Navigator can continue to provide step-by-step support. 

The navigator does not provide:

  • Legal advice, including suggestions on what legal steps to take.
  • Assistance with court forms, including instructions on which forms to use or revision of forms.
  • Services that are provided by other programs (for example, child support guidance, parenting plan development, or safety plan support).

Contact the Family Law Navigator.